There are so many times where we make excuses to pray or to adore God. Personally, I find myself constantly thinking about what to do next, or what assignment is due this week, or thinking do I have a test that I forgot about. If you’re like me, it’s difficult to place God in my life.  But God shouldn’t be “written” into our schedules – God should be the center of our lives. When we put Him first, everything falls into place. So as a small prayer challenge – I challenge you to pray this to God

Examination of Consciousness:

Where does God stand in my life? Is He the center of my life? Do I put Him first?

Do I find time to pray and build a relationship with God?

Do I pay attention in Mass? in Adoration?

Repeat this prayer:

Lord, I just want to be in your arms

and 3 Hail Marys (1 for peace in your heart 1 for our Blessed Mother’s everlasting love and 1 for your relationship with God)